a question regarding existance/presence of some items in datebase + ways to obtain them.
The form will be item name/item code/
Crimson Arcglaive - 1442068 (checked!)
Crushed Skull - 1322062
Crimson Arclancer - 1452060 (checked!)
Sky Ski - 1432018
Scroll for Shield for Weapon Att. / in general if ANY type of thats scrolls is present
Transparent Shield - 1092056 (NX)
Black Overcoat of Doom - 1052089 (NX)
Mercury Cloak - 1102149 (NX) (checked!)
Tania Cloak - 1102148 (NX) (checked!)
Super Booster Shoes - 1072279 (NX)
Tania En Fuego - 1072327 (NX) (checked!)
Mercury Lighning - 1072328 (NX) (checked!)
Blackfist Cloak - dont know the code. its one of the CWK PQ rewards
Mark of Naricain - this one also comes from CWK PQ but the bosses drops them.
so anybody have any ifno regarding those above? do they exist? if so where to get them? (checked!)