Made By: Piie & Japan
Hiya, This Guide Will Tell You The Features About MeowMs Like:
Job Adv.
1. There's a FEW Taxi's in MeowMs because MeowMixer replaced them with A Computer,
The Computer is in Henesys. It takes you anywhere you want to go accept for certain places.
Like it would not take you to training places.
For Ex. Himes, Forest Of Golems, Etc...
There's only regular Taxi's in: Kerning City, Perion, Henesys, And Elinia.
2. Job Adv, The person who Job Adv you is The Glimmer Man, You can locate him in Henesys he's close to
the computer just move a little to the right and you'll spot him. The Glimmer Man gives you the option of
job that you want.
Just Like, Archer, Thief, Mage, Warrior. But he WOULD NOT give you Gm Powers. That choice is only up
to MeowMixer.
3. There's alot of commands in MeowMs
~.@save-What @save does is it saves your data, and it also helps prevent rollback. VERY USEFUL~
~.@dispose- This command is where you can't click on any npc's, or your sorta stuck, @dispose gets you
unstuck of logging off and relogging.~.@str- I would rather use this then clicking, This is an easier way for you too add str, All you need to do
is @str (add the amount of str you want), I prefer that instead of clicking
~.@luk- All you need do is @luk (add the amount of luk you want), I prefer that instead of clicking
~.@int- All you need do is @int (add the amount of int you want), I prefer that instead of clicking
~.@dex- All you need do is @dex( add the amount of dex you want), I prefer that instead of clicking
~.@leeton- This command is cool because you can talk Leet
~.@leetoff- Is where you can't talk leet no more
~.@ranking- It shows which rank you are, Or you can just go to Henesys and just find the Honorable Rock
And that also tells you what rank you are.
~.@toggledash- This helps by not giving you dash, which turns it off
~.@emo- Returns you to nearest town but your going to die though o.O
4. Rebirth- You can rebirth at lvl 250, Kinda hard to get to lvl 250 but once you rebirth once, It gets easier
and easier. Where to rebirth, You rebirth at The Glimmer Man he can be located at Henesys. This thing is
useful, You can rebirth as many times as you want, Which gets you more stronger and more AP. Which is
5. Bosses~ Bosses are located exactly like MapleStory Global, It wouldn't be that hard to find. But the bosses are
Zakum, Horntail, Papulatus, Crow Etc...
Theres alot more but i just cant name them all in my head =(.
For Zakum all you need is just an Eye Of Fire from a guy name Adios, You get there by Computer In Henesys, It Says "TheDoorToZakum"
Horntail- Horntail, Its just like the same as GMS, But it gives you a SHORTCUT instead of walking. Go to Henesys,
Click Cave of life- Entrance, Then go to the right and you see like a pointy rock click on the last one you see. Then
You go up the ropes to the right and hit the jewel. HUZZAH!
I think you guys can do the rest~
6. NX~ Cody has Alot of NX, MOST of them are out of date, But when you click on him. You'll see a Red Section
Called , "New Items". Those New Items Aren't out of date. You can find Cody Anywhere in a town.
For Ex. Henesys, Elinia, Kerning City, Perion, Etc..... All NX Cost 5mil
7. Etc~ There's no ALL IN ONE SELLER, But I recommend that you go to FM and talk to Roha, He has Nice
Things for you character to get stronger.
Pots- Pots are located just as GMS, If your low lvl go to Henesys Pot Shop
If your High lvl go to NLC
Theres alot of Npc's located in Henesys:
Pets~ Go to Henesys and go to the right, and you'll see a ghosty man with a little glass in his hand,
Thats where you get pets, Pets cost 1mil
Mounts~ Mounts are located in Henesys and just move to your right and you'll see a PolarBear holding
a snowboard. Mounts are around 50mil-100mil
CokteTown~ Coketown is located in Henesys and, you'll see a PolarBear HOLDING A coke with a gm hat
on his head. To get to CokeTown you have to answer some questions once you answer those questions
CORRECTLY. You can get in and out of CokeTown, As long as you don't lose your card.
(1-30) you guys should train at Henesys Good Exp Rate lvl FAST xD
(30-40)-Train at Wild Boars In Perion
(40-70)- Train at FM6 With Elixirs For Ex: Demon Elixirs & Narician Elixirs (buy from Fm Roha) OR You
Could train at STD'S Straw Target Dummy Which is Located at Mu Lung
(70-80)- Ludi Master Chronos
(80-90)- Haunted House Or NLC
(120- 130)-Pap Party xD Ask Piie to join
(130-250)- Train on HARDCORE BOSSES
ForEx: Zakum, Pap, Pianus, Etc...
Ask Piie To Help Or Join~
Uhhh you can go to Henesys and go to your left there would be a billboard full of things you could know
xD =)
Ohh almost forgot
MeowMixer- God
YUMMEH-InActiveDrslpaho-Dont ask him for stuff...Add me In Game if you need to know anymore information
-If I need to add anything PLEASE tell me =)